
Silent auction items on tables

Silent Auction

We are looking for silent auction donations now!  If you own a business, are an artist, can offer a special guided trip or tour, we want you!  Don't forget your artistic talents as well.  Please let us know what you might be able to donate to our auction by filling out this form.  

Calling All Photographers!

All conference participants are invited to enter photos in the 2025 Photo contest.  Bring your entries along with you at registration. The photo entries will be in place by noon on Saturday. People will be invited to vote for their favorite photo in each category. Votes will be tallied and announced at lunch on Sunday at lunch.  Photos will be in a public place.  Learn more on this document.

Photographers and participants walking
iNaturalist from Fair Hill before the bioblitz.

iNaturalist BioBlitz

Document biodiversity during the Gathering Partners Conference in Brainerd 2025. There will be fabulous prizes for most observations, most identifications, and there may be more! Project link,