Friday May 16
Friday Pre-Conference Sessions
Full Day
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Session
Aquatic Invasive Species Detectors Core Course (see link below for pricing)
Link to register:
The AIS Detectors Core Course is an introduction to aquatic invasive species (AIS) science, identification, and surveillance. You will learn how to report invasive species, best practices for preventing the spread of AIS, relevant rules and regulations, and how to search for AIS on your own. This course consists of two portions: a self-paced online course and a live workshop with the instructors. After completing the course you will become a certified AIS Detector Volunteer! For more information about the course visit Activity level, light. Some sitting but mostly walking around tables practicing identification skills.
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Session
Mille Lacs Kathio State Park and Mille Lacs Indian Museum Field Trip
Take a trip to Mille Lacs to explore the natural and cultural history of the area. Explore Mille Lacs Kathio State Park in the morning, then tour the Mille Lacs Indian Museum and Trading Post after lunch. A boxed lunch will be provided for this field trip.
Level of activity: Active
Presenter Biography: (multiple speakers)
Half Day
12:30 - 5:00 p.m. Sessions
"Loven" the spring ephemerals at Fritz Loven Park/History and Nature of the upper Mississippi
Description: Take a two-part field trip to explore Minnesota’s lands and waters! We will meander through Fritz Loven Park to search for Spring Ephemeral flowers. The trail will lead us along the babbling Stoney Brook, where we will find trilliums, spring beauties, bloodroots, hepaticas and more. The woods is waking up, and trail may be damp or muddy, so wear sturdy shoes! And, join us for a cruise up the breathtaking upper Mississippi River Valley. We’ll discuss the history of this portion of the river, the flora and fauna that make their home along its shoreline, and how the Mississippi Flyway funnels millions of birds during migration. Cameras, binoculars, and a light jacket are recommended.
Level of activity: Moderately active/inactive
Presenter Biography:
Jane Stevens has been a Master Naturalist since 2014. She has completed all 3 biomes and is a course instructor. She loves living in woods of the Brainerd Lakes area!
Eleanor Burkett is a Minnesota Master Naturlaist and president of the Brainerd Lakes Area Master Naturalist Chapter.
Ron Plinske is a graduate of 2018 Northwoods, Great Lakes Biome. Current board member of the Brainerd Lakes Area Master Naturalist. Current board member for Let’s Go Fishing - Brainerd Lakes Chapter.
LeAnn Plinske is a MN Master Naturalist of all three biomes. Board member for the Brainerd Lakes Area Audubon Society
Nothing Rhymes with “Esker” at Ripley Esker/Crane Meadows Tour
Description: Visit the Ripley Esker, a unique landform remnant of the Wisconsin glaciation the last glaciation advancement in Minnesota. We will explore the esker, an ancient remnant of an “upside-down river,” and its surroundings. After exploring the Ripley Esker, we will head over to the Crane Meadows National Wildlife Refuge to explore its habitats and creatures that call it home. Hiking boots, water bottle, bug repellents are recommended. A notebook or journal, and binoculars are optional.
Level of activity: Moderately active (some hills and rough trails)
Presenter Biography:
Ginger Kopp retired in February 2020 as an Agroforester from the Natural Resources Conservation Service with 32 years in 2 states VA and MN. My specialty was "working" trees on farms. She is a Master Naturalist since 2020 and the Site Steward of the Ripley Esker since 2021. She liks teaching the general public about how we use wood or wood products every day without realizing it; and how MN forests are responding to climate change. Ginger is on the Steering Committee of the MN Woman's Woodland Network as the public relations specialist.
1:20 p.m. - 5:40 p.m. Session
National Loon Center Field Trip
Description: Visit the National Loon Center and take a pontoon tour of Cross Lake to learn more about the lives of Minnesota's state bird.
Conference Begins:
6:00 p.m. (Dinner and Keynote)
7:30 p.m. - Evening social activities
Nature Board Games, S'mores and campfire , Bell Build an Aquatic Biome, Star Gazing, Exploradome, Cash bar, and Dessert
More information coming soon!